Sunday, August 1, 2010

Acid Rain and Zombie World.

Just when I started to get enough of System Downs...
There comes this non-cost normal spell card...

Acid Rain.
- Destroy all face-up Machine type monsters on the field.

Enough is enough.
If Konami is seriously bringing Machiner to the banlist when you can even side 6 cards that can rape it. I'm quitting for sure.

Instead of continuously scrubbing to these silly looking magic cards.
I should instead look for a way to prevent this.

I run Geartowns.
That means I can look for Field spells to set/activate to destroy Geartown to special summon Gadjiltron.

Zombie World.
- All monsters on the field and in any graveyard become Zombie-type monsters. Neither player can Tribute summon monsters , except Zombie -type monsters.

And I still can discard Machiner Force / Gadjiltron to special summon Fortress.
Kills Frog Monarchs TOO!!!
Plants is DEAD TOO!!!

System Down?
Acid Rain?


- Cookie -

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